Before you ask yourself how to improve your Legal Client Intake Form ask yourself if you know what a Client Intake Form is.
What is a Client Intake Form?
A Client Intake Form is a document that you share with your client before you agree to get into a working relationship with them. The purpose and importance of the form are to help the firm filter out the clients that are worthwhile to those that are not.
Why Do I Need A Client Intake Form?
You need to create a Client Intake Form that is tailored to the specific services you have to offer the client – to understand the exact services, the client requires from you and whether you can offer them those services/work together.
What are the benefits?
- Since the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019/2020 governments, firms and clients are opting for virtual interactions to avoid the spread of the virus. Relying on face-to-face meetings with clients may not work/be an ideal situation. A Client Intake Form reduces the need for in-person meetings while making it easier for both the firm and the client to communicate (online);
- Even during working days and hours it would not be correct to assume that everyone has access to their electronic devices. To rely on back-and-forth email communication or phone call is hopeful and also not always successful.
First impressions count, and a first-time client may feel frustrated if this occurs and not proceed with the partnership. A Client Intake Form on the firm’s website eases this communication barrier; - If a firm is attempting to expand its network to attract more clients, then a Client Intake Form is helpful. The firm can craft the form with specific words for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure new clients can come across the form when they are searching on Google;
- You are also able to save, reduce or eliminate non-billable administration time;
- As the world becomes more technologically advanced paperwork and manual data entry has become obsolete or inefficient.
The Client Intake Form can be in the form of software; this takes away having to enter data into the firm’s database manually while making it easily accessible on your firm website. The firm can also include an option for a client to e-sign documents (eliminating the need for the client to come to the firm physically to pick one up). Clients can also avoid the hassle of filling out paperwork and having to manually scan and upload various documents. Instead, all they would be expected to do is answer a few questions on the form. - As a firm, you can easily access a client’s information and case details when it is in digital form; when a client schedules a call, you can simply refer to the software that holds the client’s details;
- The Client Intake Form also gives the firm more time to focus on other tasks beyond scheduling initial meetings with clients on a first-time basis. In the event a new employee comes on board they can refer to the Client Intake Form to get a better understanding of the client’s needs/requirements.
The client intake process is usually overlooked by most law firms – despite it being a crucial role in customer service.
It is for the above reasons that Client Intake Forms are important. Terrifio makes it easy for IP specific and broader law firms to integrate client intake forms into their operations.
They streamline the process by making it more efficient to communicate with clients off the bat and understanding their needs while putting across the firm’s expectations. You can personalize the experience that the client is having with you from the get go.
This encourages them to continue to work with you as you have managed to make them comfortable.
And if the client has a seamless first time (and continued) experience with your firm, they are likely to recommend and refer other potential clients to your firm!
Expert Insights
“This article should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. This article reflects only the personal views of the authors and not the views of the authors’ firms. Consult your patent professional regarding your specific questions.”
Jim Gastle
Jim is a Registered Patent Agent in Canada and the USA, virtual patent marking strategist as well as a Co-founder of Terrifio Before co-founding Terrifio, jim spent 25+ years representing corporate, academic, and independent clients in a wide range of scientific fields. His firm, GASTLES, managed Canadian patent portfolios for several multinationals in the automotive, industrial lighting, and hospitality fields. His expertise has been features in industry publications such as IAM, Law.com, ABA, and Law360. You can visit Jim’s LinkedIn profile here.