Setting up your projects is a critical step in using Markr. Projects can be associated with:
- Different areas of your business
- Different clients
- Different groups of patents, applications or products that you will be covering with your virtual patent marking program.
- Any other segmentation of your IP portfolio that you’d like to implement
Adding A New Project
When you first create an account on Markr or don’t have a project active on your account, each time you login you will arrive at the screen below which makes it easy to name and activate your first project.
Type the name of your project into the text input bar and click Save to continue.
Once you have set up your first project you can create additional projects by using the Add New Project button.
To access your project(s) use the Viewing Project dropdown to select which project you would like to manage. This Viewing Project dropdown is available on all pages inside Markr so you can quickly move between your various projects.
NOTE: Make sure you are viewing the correct project before making changes.
Something still not making sense about Projects? Reach out to us at and we will be happy to answer your questions.